Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Assignment 01 Part 01

Assignment 01 Part 1

Camille Ligon

The kind of job I want in the industry varies, for the near future I want to do storyboarding, for commercials and shows. I’m not totally sure but I think I want to do character design as well, and also in the future I want to do illustrations for children’s books.

The skills required for these jobs are drawing techniques, a fast drawer, knowledge of camera angles and movements, as well as certain software knowledge.

Currently to prepare myself I am studying different storyboard artist and their work, I am searching for a mentor to help guide me, I am practicing drawing faster, for storyboarding you need to be quick for sudden changes, and I am just trying to draw everyday to improve my skills, and working on my gesture drawings more to help with my human figures. I am also researching children’s book, for illustration purposes.

I hope I am going to be ready.  My weak points are procrastinating, and taking too long to do drawings, my strong points are the style I have, I have it down packed.

Classes I have taken so far include, storyboarding for animation, conceptual storytelling, 3d modeling, principles of 2d animation, image manipulation, and a few others related.

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