Sunday, April 22, 2012

Assignment 03 Part 01: Who does the lab belong to?

This is the lab of Dr. N.W.O., Norman Willie Ostrich. Dr. N.W.O. was kicked out of the NASA program for insubordinate behavior, and talks of over throwing the government in the late 80's. After being banished from NASA and deemed a quack, Dr. N.W.O went into seclusion, building his own laboratory where he tries to create devices to bring the space program down, then the government, in hopes of becoming dictator of the world. However Dr. N.W.O. has what seems to be a bad case of A.D.D.; his mind is all over the place, kind of like his lab and everything in it. His inventions and all his supplies are all spread out in his lab, in what he prefers to call organized clutter, instead of a big mess. And because his brain is all over the place, he hardly finishes one thing before moving on to the next. 

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